Old Blog Posts That You Might Have Missed 

Hello readers.  I have written so many blog posts in the past few years of this blog’s existence. Most of these posts were never read or shared as much as my posts are read and shared now. Today I decided to revisit some of these old  posts that I think are still relevant even in 2017. Some of these posts were  published way before I got followers or even one subscriber on this blog. These posts went unnoticed, they were never read. I get lot’s of questions on a daily basis and most of these questions are covered on the old posts. So in short, this post is all about referring you to my old posts that you might have missed. I really do not know what to call this post, maybe we must call it a reference post, I am not really sure, but anyways, be warned,  there’s lot’s of reading ahead.

Back in 2015 I published a post about the stock markets and Forex markets HERE.  You can also read about why do most Forex traders fail HERE. I also shared a lot about Forex scams HERE.  Read more about day trading for beginners HERE and also over trading to make up for a loss HERE.  Sometimes traders refuse to take responsibility for their own actions, I wrote about some of the excuses that Forex traders make HERE.   To know about the importance of patience, read this post HERE.  If you are struggling with your emotions, read this post HERE.  You want to know the best time to trade, read HERE.  The truth about Forex trading, read HERE.  About copycat trading, read HERE. You are not sure if you should use a paid Forex signals, read this post HERE. Find out about your own trading personality HERE.  You are going through a draw down, you are not sure what is a draw down, read HERE.  There  are also FAQ’s HERE. About how much trading capital you can start with, read HERE.  To set up your own monthly, weekly and daily targets, you can try this table HERE.  Read more about success rate in Forex trading HERE. Is it even possible to trade for a monthly income? Find out HERE. You want to make the learning easier for yourself, read HERE. Learn how to manage your Forex trading progress HERE.  How does your ego affect your trading? Read this post HERE.  Also read more about conditions that may affect your trading HERE. While we are still at it, learn how to trade U.S  Non-Farm Payroll HERE since the next release is on the 2nd of June.

There is absolutely nothing new today. I just thought I should refer new subscribers  and those who just stumbled upon this blog today to my old blog posts that they might have missed. Thank you for stopping by. Have a great trading week ahead.

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