Gratitude – Last post of 2015


Hello fans, subscribers, visitors and followers, the year is coming to an end, in few more days  we’ll be saying goodbye to 2015, it has been a great year of engaging and learning, I enjoyed every post I’ve written here, I hope you enjoyed reading as well. I would like to extend my gratitude to all of you for sticking around, thank you for your support and for pushing me to share even more of my journey and my mistakes with you, you have shown me the importance of sharing and to my subscribers, thank you for assuring me that I am not writing all this for myself but there are people who actually read and are always looking forward to a new post and thank you to everyone who enrolled for private lessons, thank you for trusting me. When I started this blog, I wanted a space where I could just speak openly about Forex without feeling stupid, pressured and without sugar coating anything, at first I needed a group or a forum where I could meet traders who were willing to admit or share their real challenges but I could not find, for some time I actually thought I was the only one who was going through some challenges as no one was really interested in sharing such, all I could find on groups and forums were traders showing off, putting each other down, disrespecting each other and even swearing at each other a lot (which was not really my scene), every time I tried to share, I would either be sold some new system or some robot or looked down upon, and therefore I decided to start “talking to myself”.

I decided to start this blog which was initially on a different free platform (blogspot) and was later migrated to this platform and became what it is today, at first I was just blogging because I knew no one would oppose my thoughts hence this blog is mostly about what I personally went through and I found that space where I can speak openly and I must say, I have managed to reach out to masses that I never thought I would manage. My aim ever since has been to reach out to those who are looking at venturing into Forex trading, I wanted to be that “go to person” to everyone who needed information, I mean real information about Forex, I wanted to protect people from being misled, scammed and lied to like it was done to me. I kept it real throughout the year and I shall continue keeping it real next year and many more years to come. To that person who really wanted to know what to expect in Forex trading and what exactly is this Forex thing, I hope you got most of your questions answered from FAQs  post and also from the Forex trading lies  post.  And If you needed to  know  how are brokers regulated and who regulates them,  I hope you got the information on FSB regulated brokers and you have learned how important it is to use a regulated broker and also the importance of understanding the trading sessions and the best time to trade Forex.

To that person who came across this blog and he/she was already trading, I hope you also learned a lot from my mistakes and you also picked up some few things that you can implement to improve your own trading, I hope you related to most of my stories as they often happen to almost every trader, though traders are not interested in sharing the challenges but only interested in selling the good and beautiful story. I have shared the most embarrassing moments of my journey, My Forex story  and the painful moments just so I can show you the reality of trading and to make sure you do not repeat the same mistakes like when I depended on paid signals  without education. I hope you also learned from my experience on copy trading  and you can make up your own mind if you would like to go that route, and lastly, I hope you learned more on what moves the Forex market.

To that person who did not know the difference between Forex trading and HYIP programmes and thought he/she was participating in Forex market while he/she unknowingly  participated in a Ponzi scheme, I hope you learned from Forex scams  post, and you’ll do yourself a favor by staying away  before you get yourself into trouble like I did. Below are some few questions that you need to be brutally honest about, It is a good thing that you’ll be doing this on your own, so just be honest, it is for your own good.

Reality check for those who  traded live in 2015 
  • How many times have you secretly funded your real account in 2015?
  • How many times have you  taken money home from your trading account in 2015?
  • How many times have you encountered margin call in 2015?
  • How many times have you switched or changed technical strategies in 2015?
  • Have you followed your trading plan in 2015? Did you even have one? If not, you can still use the one I posted on my last post of 2014  HERE .

Thank you so much, I am hoping to see you again here next year,  let us continue to keep it real and set realistic goals and by doing so, we can change the stats and be counted among  professional  and successful traders, thank you , thank you , I really appreciate you, without you, this blog is nothing, and thank you so much for your comments, your feedbacks, your gratitude and the shares on almost all my posts. Stay safe till we meet again next year.

Love & Light and God bless you.

If you are still confused about how exactly is money made in Forex market, simply click on the link below and DOWNLOAD.


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