There are two types of people that fascinate me lately. While I was looking around the people that I know and associate with I figured they are divided into two categories. There are those who are intellectuals, highly educated and hold numerous degrees, I tell you this type, very smart, they are intelligent and they don’t just do things without doing proper research. They research and research, collect statistics and research even more, collect more statistics and research again I mean they do research a lot. I respect this people, I like them very much; I gain so much just by being surrounded by them. These are the people I refer to as researchers. They might not be in Forex trading field, but they sure can provide you with all there is to know, they have figures and all to show, they are not just talk talk, they give evidence. They can tell you what happened to stock market dating back as far as 20 years ago, for example they can tell you all about certain religion and how it began and how bad or good it is, even when they don’t belong to that particular religion. That’s how good this people are they research about lot of things.

One thing I personally think they are missing though is action. A lot of times they are so busy looking at statistics, and at the end they don’t do anything (not generalizing, I am a strong believer in individualism). Even when they know exactly that they would like to trade financial markets or start any business, they allow their over analyzing nature to get in a way of getting started, they suffer from“analysis paralysis”, forgetting they have to start at some point. The more they research the more they fear. Research is essential because remember research provides facts, the good and the bad and usually the  researchers  have their eyes fixed on the negative part of a research. And that lead to unfulfilled life for this type. When statistics suggest minimal  success rate, they automatically count themselves as failures instead without even being aware, read more below about researchers vs doers and their characteristics.


Then there is my other group of people. They are also very smart, they read a lot, they are dreamers, they are not illiterate at all. They are educated up to some level, they have tertiary education of some sort, but there is one thing i have noticed and love about this group, this is how they operate:

They are forever hungry for opportunities, they are mostly driven by what they love other than the qualifications they possess, they are fearless, they also research a lot and while they do their own research, they also rely on the group above (researchers), this is what makes me to love this second group of people. They know that they want to trade Forex or start that business , they know what they like and they go after what they want, irrespective of the statistics and research outcomes. They are bold.

When they come across a statistic which suggest only 5% succeed in financial markets or that particular business they want to venture into, they don’t fear at all, they go for it anyway, they never count themselves among the failures, they research, they learn more instead of dwelling on the scary statistics, they are driven, they do not even once count themselves among the 95%, but they see themselves as part of the 5% ­­success stories, their goal is to succeed in it and be counted among the winners, whether by increasing the statistics to 6% success rate or just fit in to that 5% success stories, and this group often succeed up to a point that the other group with lots of compiled research end up working for them.

 Those are the DOERS, they research, they collect statistics, they get relevant education, they speak to relevant  people who has been doing it already, they DO, they go back to research, they find mentor, they don’t worry about stats anymore because they have their eyes fixed on being among the winners, they read and read and they DO, and DO and DO until they master the skill. This type often live fulfilled lives as they do what they love. So if you love trading like i do. Do your research, forget the statistics,find that mentor, forget the robots, get proper education, count yourself among the winners, irrespective of your gender or statistics, just do. Thank you for stopping by and reading.

For more information on how to get started  email me:Admin@learnfxtrading.net

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