Non-Farm payroll release dates 2017 

Welcome Back! After a well deserved break, I am back with the updates. I hope you guys have rested and you are ready to bank from the markets in 2017 (Oops! I almost said 2016, I am still trying to get used to the new year). I have my 2017 trading plan ready (I hope you have yours) and you are actually going to stick to it. I also took some time to reflect and checked on my trading activities and I know very well where I need to improve and what I need to implement this year. I am mentally and physically ready for the markets again. I have my eyes set on a yearly target this year but I will still work on monthly, weekly and daily targets just like I have been doing. If you wish to know how I set my own targets read HERE. Consistency is what I strive for. I also promise to post other important dates like FOMC and so forth.  Read more about Non-Farm payroll HERE.

NOTE: This is a re post. I was doing some work and I accidentally lost the original one and I had to re publish. Feel free to download the table below. Should you wish to receive my weekly economic news updates or blog posts, kindly subscribe to this blog. To subscribe look for “SUBSCRIBE TO MY BLOG” on the side bar. Enter your email address and click “SUBSCRIBE”. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to your email (check on spam as well if the email is not on inbox), click on the link to confirm and you’ll receive weekly updates on different topics and weekly economic news. Below are  the Non-Farm payroll release dates for 2017.



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