“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stopped and faced your worst fears. We cannot ignore the fact that many people especially woman experience a lot of fear when it comes to money and investing, the harmful face of fear is when it cripple us, we become immobilized and when we are immobilized, we do nothing and we even say no to an opportunity automatically without even thinking, all we can see is what could go wrong. Fear is a negative emotion, but it can also be of benefit. It is in that very moment of fear when many people take a step further in pursuing other opportunities of making money. I personally was motivated or shall I say pushed by fear, fear of being stuck in a job my entire life, fear of having to work with that type of person who is at work just to make other people’s lives a living hell, most of the people in a job have that person, It is that fear that drove me to start looking for alternative ways of making an income.
Is it an easy path I took? not really, it has been a long journey full of tears, mistake after mistake, I never gave up because that fear was forever pushing me to learn more. Through everything I have experienced, I can only say one thing and one thing only, Forex trading is not a get rich quick scheme, It is not for lazy minded, it is not for people who are looking for quick cash, just like any other business it requires dedication, passion, learning, learning, and more learning. Treat your trading as a business, have a plan, goals (short-term and long-term) and trading will return the favor and treat you nicely with good returns. Put some work into it, keep learning, but most of all RESPECT the markets and you shall definitely see success. There is absolutely no ROBOT that can perform miracles, it is through your own efforts and dedication.
Better understanding better results. I have learned that life is a mystery and we must just live life to the fullest and not let fear cripple us. I am a student for life cause wherever I go I learn and open minded. Sisters lets do it and its possible. Lets stop hesitating and act now
Thank you Joyce,very true better understanding brings better results.