
One of  the most dangerous position any person can put themselves in , is to depend on one Income for a living. Being caught up in a “rat race” where everyone is fighting/pushing for the top position is something that i could not stand anymore, because i hated being told what to do -Kim Kiyosaki.

I  was introduced to Forex trading by a friend who did not only tell me good things about it, but also how challenging it is, I remember saying to myself “bring it on” I love being challenged. So i started, I must warn you though, it was  not that  easy. Good thing about it was that i could do it on demo account (no real cash). I started practicing for over six months on that demo account  and  was making it, just like many people, I also thought it would be as easy as on demo and i was actually ready to go live.

When i finally did, I realized  that  the profits i was making from demo account  changed drastically. It was my state of mind  because  i was then trading with my hard earned cash and it was totally different, there were emotions involved, fear kicked in and i was totally in a different space than i was while i was doing demo, I would go back to demo on daily basis and i would “kill it”,  but come live account, i would just get so nervous and mess up.

I Would make huge profits, which was a different story than what was really happening in my live account. From that experience i learned  that with trading you cannot really call yourself a trader unless you have done it with real money,  that is where the true test is, real money  is the deciding factor. While demo account  is useful as well. Now i can proudly say i am a Forex trader and i keep on empowering myself, learning as much as i can and getting as much information available to me.


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