UK Economic events to trade :

Currency : Great British Pound

CB  Rate : 0.50%.


Some time ago I posted about Forex news affecting different currencies, as we know that the Forex market is supportive of the currencies whose interest rates are on the rise, situations of countries provide opportunities to trade currencies effectively and fundamentals are one part of trading that can make a huge difference in our daily trading activities, I am back with one more currency and all the events affecting it. I always believe  that less is more when it comes to trading currencies, starting with just few currencies, understand them, getting  used to how they move, how they correlate with other currencies and all the economic events affecting them, I am very aware that there is NO random move in currencies, they are fueled by some fundamentals like interest rates, gross domestic products statistics, today  I am going to talk about the economic news specific to GBP, if you are interested in trading the pound sterling, keep reading. Listed below are the economic news specific to GBP.

Manufacturing PMI:

Released     : Monthly

Description: The measurement of level diffusion index based on surveyed purchasing managers in the manufacturing industry. It is a leading indicator of the economic health.

Construction PMI:

Released     : Monthly, every 2nd business day after month end.

Description:  Measures the level of a diffusion index based on surveyed purchasing managers in the construction industry.

Services PMI:

Released      : Monthly 3rd business day after month end.

Description : Measures the level of a diffusion index based on surveyed purchasing managers in services industry.

Manufacturing Production:

Released      :Monthly

Description : Changes in the total inflation- adjusted value of output produced by manufactures.

MPC Official Bank Rates Votes:

Released      :Monthly

Description : Bank of England (BoE) latest release, the MPC meeting minutes contains the interest rate vote for MPC member during the most recent meeting.

Monetary Policy Survey:

Released      :Monthly

Description : This is the tool that the MPC uses to communicate with investors about monetary policy, it contains the outcome of their vote on interest rates and other policy measures.

Official Bank Rate:

Released      :Monthly

Description : Measures the interest rate at which the BOE lends to financial institutions overnight.


Released      :Monthly

Description : The change in the price of goods and services purchased by consumers and traders care about it because consumer prices account for a majority of overall inflation and inflation is important to currency valuation.

Average Earnings Index:

Released      :Monthly

Description : Change in the price business and the government pay for labor including bonuses, why do we care?, when businesses pay more for labor, the higher costs are usually passed on to the consumers.

Claimant count change:

Released      :Monthly

Description : Change in the number of people claiming unemployment related benefits during previous month.

Inflation Report Hearings:

Released      :Quarterly

Description : Also called treasury committee hearings, this is when the governor and several MPC members testify on inflation and the economic outlook before parliament’s treasury committee.

Retail Sales:

Released      : Monthly

Description : The change in the total value of inflation-adjusted sales at retail level. It is the primary gauge of consumer spending which accounts for majority of overall economic activity.

Current Account:

Released       : Quarterly

Description  :difference in value between imported and exported goods, services, income flow during previous quarter. This is a direct link to currency demand , a rising surplus indicates that the foreigners are buying more of the domestic currency to execute transactions in the country.

BOE Gov Carney Speaks:

Released       : Monthly

Description  : Gov Carney is the  head of the central bank, which controls short-term interest rates, he has more influence over the nation’s currency value than any other person.

Second Estimate GDP/Revised GDP:

Released        : Quarterly

Description   : The broadest measure of economic activity and the primary gauge of economy’s health.

If you are one of those traders who are interested in trading the British Pound, reading here  is a good start, knowing all the economic events and when they actually happen might just change things around for you and make you some nice pips, thank you for stopping by, if you find this post valuable kindly share with your social media contacts using the share buttons below, or you can subscribe to this blog and get new posts by email every time I publish a new post, do come around again for more, thank you.



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 Forex for beginners-Learn Forex in south Africa

Welcome to my blog, welcome to my home where I share all my trading journey and more. I have been trading Forex for some years now, it has been a rocky journey full of mistakes, very costly mistakes I must say. When I first heard about the Forex market not so many people knew what it was all about, it was foreign to many, being a woman made it even more difficult for me as most people involved in the Forex market are man, it is still the case even today, Forex trading is fairly new in South africa, but i am here trying to change that. I remember how difficult it was for me to find help when I was starting out, everywhere I went I could only find traders (mostly man) who were already on top of their game and had no time to assist a wannabe like me, especially a woman, those who were nice enough to pay attention were either telling me about some expensive software that I would need to purchase and high fees to pay only to be taught for 4 days. In search of help I joined many Facebook groups and forums but still I found nothing but learning more about the lifestyle of the traders in the groups, their cars, expensive watches, designer clothes and showing off stacks of hundred rand notes, I felt like an unrecognized “cheerleader”.

I know a lot of people can relate to what I am saying here, maybe it is exactly what you are experiencing right now. I went through it all, I paid thousands of rands trying to acquire knowledge but it was all in vain, I would pay and they would open trading account for me and never care what happens to me after, they would  refer me to babypips (which is a very helpful site) but unfortunately it doesn’t help that much if you are clueless, as most of the staff you read there is all new and foreign, not to mention the jargon. It is better to have someone who is already trading to help you especially if you have paid some money to the person, YouTube videos are helpful as well but not to teach you, but to assist when you already know “HOW TO”, after all i still remained clueless and I lost a lot in the Forex market. Because I know how to be taken for a “ride”, I have been scammed a lot because I was desperate and people out there can use that against you, I am now offering assistance to those in need.

If you want to learn forex in south africa, I can hold your hand as a beginner and show you the ropes. I do not believe in trading robots and I have wasted a lot on them and none of them ever produced results. I feel it is always easier if you find someone who can hold your hand while doing it together with you, I am that person. If you are in South Africa even outside south Africa and really wish to learn more about the Forex market, feel free to contact me for private lessons alternatively you can add me on any of my social media pages found on the sidebar. Thank you for stopping by and reading my post, if you find this information useful please feel free to share it using the share buttons below.



EDUCATE2I think all of us would like to be patient, but just simply do not, because for us that means we would have to behave well even when we are not getting what we want or even when things aren’t going our way. And for that reason patience become a very difficult trait to posses. But it is extremely important for people who want to succeed in Forex trading and enjoy life to the fullest, i mean the people who really want to make it. When we are impatient, the situations we face in life will certainly cause us to have bad emotions such as giving up and feeling depressed. Now we all see how important it is to possess this trait. As much as we can possess patience we need to start by seeking Forex education before we can think of jumping to Forex market.


The problem with many of us is that we kind of know what we really want and where we want to be, we have a clear picture of what is needs to be done to achieve that goal, we have it all clear, we know all the right phrases from famous and most influential business people, we watch Forex videos from successful Forex traders, we listen to all the right motivational audios, we attend all the seminars out there, we read all the right books and we are still missing the point, something is lacking, but what exactly are we lacking here?. We might be asking ourselves this question a lot of times and the answer to that question is simple, ACTION PLAN. One thing that we need to know and understand is that no one can actually get rich or financially free just by reading all the relevant books, blogs and magazines or subscribing to all the online daily Forex/news, even watching the economic news channel everyday. Same applies to Forex trading, one can only learn this skill by actual doing and getting proper Forex education. The only way is to find the real person who has gone through that path and learn from them, find that person who is a Forex trader and learn from them. Gaining knowledge is always the first step, try doing this 3 things below:

1. Identify roadblocks (those things that you think are keeping you from reaching your goal).
2. Find solution.
3. Develop action plan.

once that is done, make sure you find the right teacher, and i mean THE RIGHT TEACHER and do not focus on finding the right opportunity because the right opportunity without proper education is just as bad, since no one can just dive into water unless they can swim. In finding the right teacher, rather go for the kind of person who is willing to make you smarter, the person who is willing to instill confidence in you other than to prove to you how smart they are, because a teacher like that knows very well that by teaching others he/she is actually learning more as well on that particular subject. Stop”driving in the fog” and step out in the sun just find a good teacher and the rest shall follow, thank you for stopping by please do share the post using share buttons below.



Forex news -Canadian dollar:

Central bank  : Bank of Canada (BoC)

Interest rates :0.75%

Commodity    : Oil

From previous articles I mentioned that if you really need to know the Forex news surrounding the currencies that we trade, here on this blog you can find it all broken down into pieces in a way that is easy to read and understand, hopefully reading about those Forex news here is not as complex as reading from other sites, I have tried to make it as easy as possible. This post is mainly focused on Forex news canadian dollar, all the news listed here are specifically for Canada, therefore directly affecting the Canadian dollar.  Canadian dollar otherwise known as the ”loonie” is the 7th most traded currency, this currency is also referred to as the commodity dollar (comdolls) because oil is most influential to the performance of the currency, its performance depends on raw material.


This is the latest release by statistics Canada which is released monthly about 35 days after month ends. It measures the difference in value between imported and exported goods during the reported month, if the actual figure comes out greater than the forecast, that is good for CAD.


This is the latest release by Richard Ivey school of business, released 5 days after month ends and it measures level of diffusion index based on surveyed purchasing managers.


It is the latest release from  statistics Canada which measures change in the total value of new building permits issued. This is released about 35 days after month ends.


It is the latest release from statistics Canada which measures change in number of employed people during previous month. If actual figure comes out greater than forecast, that is good for CAD, this data is released 8 days after the month ends.


It is the latest release from statistics Canada which measures percentage of the total unemployment during previous month, if the actual figure is lesser than forecast, that is good for currency. The number of unemployed people is important for overall health of the economy, consumers spending is highly dependable on labor market conditions.


It is the latest release of Bank of Canada (BOC) ,this is released quarterly, the more hawkish than expected, the best for CAD, this data provides valuable insight into the bank’s view of economic conditions and inflation.


It is latest release by bank of Canada, it is also known as Interest rate statement. It is basically the primary tool for bank of Canada to communicate with the investors about monetary policy.


It is the latest release by bank of Canada that measures the rate of borrowing and lending of overnight funds between themselves. It happens 8 times a year.


It is the latest release by bank of Canada where speaker is BOC governor and senior deputy governor, this is released quarterly after the release of BoC monetary policy. If the results are hawkish than expected, that is good for CAD.


It is the latest release from statistics Canada which measures change in the price of goods and services purchased by consumers. If actual figure is greater than the forecast, that is good for CAD, this data is released monthly about 20 days after the month ends.


It is the latest release by statistics Canada, it measures change in the total value of sales at the retail level. This is released monthly about 50 days after month ends.


This data measures change in the total value of sales at the wholesale level. It is also called wholesale trade.


This data measures change in inflation-adjusted value of all goods and services produced by economy, it is released monthly about 60 days after month ends.

Thank you for stopping by, please kindly share the post if you find it helpful.


In Forex Trading, size does matter:

I have discovered that many people still fail i n Forex trading even with the best strategies ever. It all boils down to Forex position size, strategy might be the best, you might even be using signals which works the best but only to suffer huge losses. One thing i need to advise traders out there is that in Forex, size does matter, it plays a big role, there is no standard small lot size, it all depends on the size of your own account, what is small for my account might be very big for yours, i have used paid signals before, i don’t remember my signal provider asking me how much i had in my account, i was receiving the same signal as with everyone and the size was just standard, it is only now that i know, i can see i wasn’t supposed to use that lot size for my account, i was supposed to decrease and use what was suitable for my own balance, i lost it all and had to add more money to my trading account (talk about being naive and clueless), i don’t blame them though, it was my duty to learn, but pity this is not emphasized mostly by those teaching Forex trading. A lot of times traders who never had proper training but only trade using random information from Google, groups or forums are mostly the”victims” because when you see everyone referring to a certain lot size as acceptable size to trade, you also blindly use that size not knowing the balances on the accounts of those you follow, this is the downfall of many, i still get shocked to see people posting their statements and seeing the lot size they use for the trades. It is unfair of me to say a certain lot is a reasonable sizewhen i don’t know how much a person funded their account with.

How do you decide on your Forex position size:

Once you have decided how much you want to fund your live account with, then you can decide on your Forex position size, you can either decide on a fixed lot size (that is when you trade same lot size for every trade regardless of account size) but there is a downside in going for fixed lot size, should your account go down you might just become over leveraged, so i think the best way is choosing certain lot size but making sure you can be able to change anytime to accommodate the size of your account, if your account goes up, also increase the lot size accordingly, if you suffer some drawdown, please do adjust your Lot size (very important) to suite your current account size, adjusting Lot size according to your account is very beneficial because you will always be risking same percentage on each trade irrespective of your account size. Risking same percentage per trade takes us back to money management which play important role in you making or breaking it as a Forex trader, money management is a topic that is continuously written about, but unfortunately traders never seem to be bothered by it, hence the huge losses, however any professional trader, money manager or anyone who deals with money will agree that without sound money management system you will ultimately affect your returns or profits, i am shocked though by how the traders just gamble their way to the market, that is why they never last, making it big today only to lose it all tomorrow is the “YO YO GAME” they play, trading smaller size allows a trader to sustain far greater amount of losing trades than if they had larger lot size, try to have a set and disciplined money management strategy and stick to it.

Thank you for reading, please kindly share the post using share buttons below.

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