What is GDP and why is it so important?

The Gross Domestic Products (GDP) is one leading economic indicator that gauges the overall economic performance of the country. It measures the country’s economic health. The stats are released 60 days after the month ends. What it actually measures is the market value of all financial goods and services produced within the country.

This post is more focused on Canada GDP. Unlike others, Canada releases their GDP on a monthly basis but the quarterly is also released, to sum up the monthly stats.  Looking back at the stats since the beginning of 2017, the Canada GDP rose by 0.1% from the expected 0.3% reaching 0.4% (it was later revised and reached 0.5%) and it was released on the 31st of January 2017. In March the 2nd it held steady at 0.3% as expected. Next release is on the 31st of March. Below is the table with Canada GDP dates for the entire 2017. Please help to keep this blog going. If you need to open a live account kindly register with one of the recommended FSB regulated brokers using the links provided Here. For further assistance you can WhatsApp me on: +27 76 966 9392 Or +27 64 510 4132.


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