A Warm Welcome
Hello amazing readers and subscribers, it’s good to have you here. If you just stumbled upon this blog, a warm welcome to you as well. Please feel free to subscribe for future publications. Locate a subscribe button on the sidebar, add your email address, click on subscribe and an email will be sent to your mailbox (could lend on spam/junk folder). Open the email and confirm by clicking the link. Please be assured that your email address will never be used for spam emails but only for notifying you of a new publication whenever there’s one.
What channel and why?
A few years ago in 2013, I decided to start this blog to share my trading experiences and also to share realistic and practical Forex trading tips that I believe anyone can use. I must say, I never expected so much growth in terms of getting my message across. It has been a great pleasure to be able to change people’s mindsets and how they view Forex trading through this blog. I am totally grateful to you as well for subscribing, reading and sharing the blog posts. You have played a big role in growing this blog. I am forever grateful.
I have started a podcast not only because I love talking (Of course I love talking, I really do) but because I thought it will also be another great and awesome way to share my message and also to put the voice behind all this writing that I’ve been doing here. As a teacher/mentor & coach, I have learned through my mentees that some people get the message better through listening than reading.
What Will The Podcast Focus On?
The podcast is to tell you more about my personal journey, who I am and why do I do what I do. You can check out the podcast introduction HERE. The main aim of it is to help new traders to understand more about Forex trading and also just to learn from my personal mistakes that I will be sharing. It is not only for new traders, but for anyone who have ever found valuable information from this blog. I have already shared some of the mistakes that most traders are likely to make. You can check the episode HERE and kindly follow/subscribe for future episodes. Thank you so much for stopping by and happy trading.
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