Economic news to watch for this week
Highlights: On the 24th of January the United Kingdom’s High Court is due to announce a ruling regarding the government’s ability to bypass parliament and initiate the Brexit by triggering Article 50, it is all happening in London at the Royal Courts of Justice. This will also have a direct impact on GBP, watch out for GBP pairs. On another news it has been said that UK Prime Minister Theresa May will fly to Washington DC to have her talks with the U.S President Donald Trump as early as Thursday. Dispite the fact that May was criticizing Trump during his campaigns in 2016, she will be one of the first leaders to hold talks with the new president. Below are the economic news to watch this week.
Hi Ntombi
This might be an obvious or stupid question but im just trying to read n educate myself as much as i can.
On this post u mention a rulling to be taken rerding governments ablity to bypass parliament. How do u know if this will have a positive or negetive impact on the GPB pairs?
Hello Ngangomzi
Thank you for your comment. There are no stupid questions at all. We will only know when the speech is done and the decision is made and therefore know how it affected the GBP. If you can be in my mentorship program, you will understand fully as I unpack it.