3 Ways to Align With Your Trading Goals

3 Ways to Align With Your Trading Goals

Hey everyone, thanks for stopping by again. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing 3 ways to align with your trading goals. Define Your Goal When you start trading, it’s important to define your trading goals. Knowing what you want to achieve is the first...
10 Ways To Manage Anxiety In Trading

10 Ways To Manage Anxiety In Trading

ANXIETY: A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. Source: Oxford Dictionary. In this post, I share 10 practical ways to manage anxiety in your trading. 1. Identify Why You Are Anxious. In your trading, you need to know...
Forex Trading Journal

Forex Trading Journal

The past 14 years that I have been trading the markets have taught me valuable lessons that I have been sharing with my trading community via my social media platforms, this App, blog and Podcast for free. My focus has been on trading psychology which is one of the...
5 Reasons Why Traders Quit Within A Year

5 Reasons Why Traders Quit Within A Year

Hello readers. It’s been a while since I published a blog post here. I must admit, It’s been a very hectic year. Whenever I do get some time to publish some content, podcasting comes to mind because there, I just talk and it doesn’t take much time....