FOREX NEWS 27/02/15

Today it looks like the  day is not so busy,one high impact forex news  coming up.   USA GDP Currency affected : USD Time released.       : 8:30am NY (15h30 South African time) Expected figure     : 2.1% Previous figure.     : 2.6%   HAPPY TRADING AND KEEP...


IS THERE ANY DIFFERENCE? A lot of times I get people asking me what is the difference between Forex and Stock Market, ooh!! well I thought I should just write this very short article explaining the difference, I am mainly in Forex market. This article is not...

FOREX NEWS 26/02/15

Just a quick update of what forex news to look out for today to guide our Trading for the day. UK GDP Currency affected : GBP Time released         : 4:30 am NY(11:30am South African Time) Expected figure.     : O.5% Previous figure      : 0.5%   CANADA CORE CPI...

FOREX NEWS 25/02/15

Here is some few high impact Forex news  to look out for today, if your Trading is based on fundamentals or even if not, i still think it is important to be in the know, know what is happening around the currencies that we Trade. BANK OF ENGLAND (BoE) Gov Carney...