Gratitude Goes a Long Way – Thank You For Walking With Me In 2016 


ntombi_mThe year has come and almost gone now. It feels like yesterday when I was writing my last post of 2015, it is that time of the year again. I am not a professional writer but I’ve had so much fun in the past 11 months, I certainly hope you also learned something from my blog posts in the past 11 months.

Looking back at where we started, firstly it was Brexit which took place in June, many traders lost big monies and they never looked back to trading the Forex markets again. It was very hectic (I survived because I pay attention to the economic news, hope you did too). As if that was not enough, one day Theresa May (Prime Minister of UK) suddenly announced that article 50 will be triggered to start the process for the UK to officially leave the EU, the Pound (GBP) crashed leaving many traders confused of what had happened (again I survived the crash because I was aware of what was happening), I hope you survived the storm too. On the 8th of November the U.S elections took place resulting in Donald Trump being elected as the U.S president. Donald Trump is currently a president elect and will be officially inaugurated on the 20th of January 2017. The latest was the Italy Referendum on the 4th of December whereby the Italians hit the polls to vote for their constitution to be changed. Renzi (former Italy Prime Minister) was for the Yes vote and threatened to resign should he loose the votes, and yes he did resign after he lost. 2016 was such an eventful year indeed. I am actually looking forward to seeing how the markets will be in 2017. This post is all about showing gratitude for all your support. You might have not seen it anywhere where a blogger actually thanks the readers, I am one of the few who does and this means a lot to me.

To my subscribers

Thank you so much for pushing me to write blog posts on a weekly basis. Knowing that there are people who are waiting for my next post did not only feel good, but it was truly encouraging. There are currently 322 subscribers (at time of publishing this post). I would actually post even when I was at my worst (you gave me purpose, thank you for reading my posts and for your subscriptions). If you have to know, I used to write blog posts and no one would read. I must say, that was a very bad feeling I remember thinking to myself “am I writing all this to myself?” imagine how discouraging that must have been. I am so glad I never gave up. When I write a blog post just to show gratitude, you guys should know that I am not at all exaggerating with all these thank you’s. If you are reading here and you are not yet subscribed and you’d like to, simply look for “”SUBSCRIBE TO MY BLOG” on the sidebar, enter your email address and click “”SUBSCRIBE”. An email will be sent to your email address (look for it on spam/junk folder if not on inbox), click on the link to confirm your subscription and voila, you will receive the posts straight to your emails every time I publish one.

To everyone who shared my posts

When we read on blogs and share the posts afterwards, we can only do so if we find the posts informative or valuable and therefore wish that everyone can read. Thank you so much for sharing my posts with your social media groups or peers (it means a lot to me), this wonderful act of yours does not only encourage me to write more, but it also assures me that the information provided on posts is helpful and valuable (without your shares, I wouldn’t have known). Thank you, thank you, thank you, your act of kindness is much appreciated.

To everyone who ever commented on my posts

Thank you for engaging with me through your comments. I want you to know that I do not filter comments, I publish all comments as long as they are related to the blog post. I only filter those nasty ones from spammers who are posting links that leads to porn sites or slimming tablets. I have a positive feedback for you. I have mentored people who have stumbled upon my blog and saw how we engage through comments, thank you, thank you , thank you.

To everyone who enrolled for private lessons

I know I have told you this before, but thank you again for trusting me. Like I always say, I will always keep my promises as long as you also keep your part of the deal. It has been amazing connecting with people from across the globe. This is also to show us that nothing is impossible, if the locals do not recognize your good work, continue to do good anyway, the world is watching. This is my cue to say happy holidays to all of you, may you receive all the desires of your hearts. I am officially off trading till 2017 (taking a well deserved break). This might be the last post of 2016, but you are definitely going to hear more from me again in 2017. I promise to remain truthful and only share my experiences and warnings if I have to. I promise to keep it real and I pray that my mind  may not be corrupted as long as I trade the markets. Thank you once again as I sign off, meet you again in 2017

Same space, same blog


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