Bank Of England
About Bank of England (BOE)
Bank rate 0.25%
Governor Mark Carney
Head quarters Thread needle Street, London
Mark Carney is a Canadian economist who currently serves as a governor of Bank of England. He is also a chairman of G20’s financial stability board. Mark Carney has announced that he will serve until 30 June 2019.
What is Bank of England (BOE)?
Bank of England is a central bank of the United Kingdom which was formed in 1694. Bank of England is responsible for setting the bank rates and also to maintain the Monetary Policy. Bank of England does not hold accounts for the public and also do not issue loans to the public. BOE is usually overshadowed by a Monetary Summary, which focuses more on the future. BOE interest rates is the rate at which the bank lends to financial institutions over night. The meeting is scheduled every month.
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