Life’s battles do not always go to the prepared, stronger and faster man or woman. In one way or the other we find ourselves being in situations where our heads are “deep in water” and we feel like we can’t breathe anymore. What do we do, do we run, do we hide, do we ignore? there are so many  battles that we as people face in our daily lives, but the one that mostly stands out at least for me is the financial battle,”sinking” in debts. People might argue that money is not that important, I cannot disagree, but I am definitely sure the reason people say that is because maybe they have not been without it, if you have been without money and you know the difficulty that comes as a result of that, I  am sure you’ll agree with me when I say financial battle stands out from all  other life battles. Money might not buy everything, I fully  agree, but it does make life bearable even when we are challenged in other arrears of our lives.


If you are one of the people who are tired of living from hand to mouth and being in and out of banks taking loan after loan, then it is time to change the situation.I know we always say “I’ll do something as soon as I get the money” but the truth is, it can take a lifetime unless you get up and do something, there is no time to wait, time is now, but I don’t have money now, does it not take money to make money? I know these are the kind of questions that are running through your mind right now as you read this. Yes I am saying time is now. Money or no money, time is now, to make that change. Lets start by doing the following :

1.Find out what is your “chief” aim in your life, once you find that, make sure you develop sufficient self-confidence to attain it.

2.Create clear mental picture of where you want to see yourself.

3.Rid yourself of toxic thoughts like envy, jealousy, selfishness, greediness, hatred and just develop love for all  humanity, after all it is a good principle.

4.Stop jumping from one opportunity to another without understanding what you are doing, remember you are in debt, and that alone makes you vulnerable to many unrealistic opportunities out there.

5.Lastly, fully  understand that no wealth or possessions can long endure unless built upon truth and justice. To do that, you need to ‘shy’ away from this deadly practice called greediness and do not fear criticism, I  get criticized a lot for believing in Forex, but that is not going to stop me because it works for me and even so, I do not expect it to work for everybody and always remember,  if you keep doing it, ratio will appear,  persistence is key.

All the above can be done while you do not have a start up cash. As soon as you are fully prepared, money will find you. It is in the planning, education and a friendly alliance with one or two persons who will encourage you to follow your plans. I can be that person to you because I have found my plan in Forex trading, it could be the plan for you as well. Find out more about my plan, and how I am striving to be financially free  by connecting with me via social media of your choice listed at the bottom of this page. Thank you for stopping by.


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